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Was you Study Permit refused because of the following reasons:
You will not return to your home country
Your proposed program is not reasonable in light of past studies
Your language abilities
Your previous employment or educational history
Purpose of your visit
What can you do after a Refusal ?
You can challenge an unreasonable Study Permit refusal in the Federal Court of Canada within 60 days of the refusal; or
Make a fresh Study Permit application addressing the previous concerns.
Remember only authorized ICCRC members and Canadian lawyers are allowed to give immigration advise.
Only a Barrister and Solicitor in Canada can challenge a Study Permit refusal in the Federal Court of Canada.
It is important to note that although Canada hosted over 6,50,000 international students at the post-secondary education level in the year 2019, only 58,000 of former international students have become Canadian permanent residents. Therefore, only 11.2% of the international students were able to become permanent residents of Canada. It is important for prospective international students coming to Canada to keep this information in mind.
Important Links:
List of DLI's in Canada are available here:
DLI List
Find out if your school or institute is eligible for a Post Graduate Work Permit:
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